Michael Alvarez
Over two decades, Michael Alvarez has been known as one of the most well respected and impactful leaders in the government and public affairs space in the Chicago and Illinois markets. Fortune 500 companies, real estate developers, prominent labor unions and major trade associations rely on Michael to guide them through the complex intersection of public policy and business needs. His extensive experience and successful track record have made him a trusted and long-term advisor for clients navigating intricate bipartisan political and regulatory landscapes.
Before founding Alvarez & Associates, Michael dedicated several years to public service. He was elected Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago in 2010, serving until 2016. Prior to holding elected office, Michael was a Senior Advisor to then-Senator Barack Obama, focusing on outreach to business, community, and political constituencies in Cook and the surrounding counties. Before his time on Senate staff, Michael served as Deputy Director of the Illinois Department of Employment Security, where he coordinated all state legislative priorities for the agency. He has also served as a key and trusted advisor to numerous successful local and statewide political campaigns and a personal confidant and counselor to government officials at every level.
Born and raised in Chicago, Michael earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Northwestern University
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